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All aboard!

What distinguishes professional career paths from sports field tracks is that you do not have to run around in circles. Instead, ideally, you take a straight route to the top. To move in right direction, you need two things: first, the total passion and the uncompromising commitment of the employee. Secondly, perfect framework conditions for which every company bears the responsibility.

One thing is evident from the career profiles of our employees: Keimelmayr offers optimal framework conditions if you really care about the success of our customers.

If, as a worry-free professional, you maintain flexibility and always strive for the best solution for our customers, think outside the box, and a high level of technical expertise and further training are a matter of course for you. With this in mind, we offer attractive career opportunities to specialists and apprentices.

Trained specialists

Trained specialists can join Keimelmayr here.


Apprentices can click here on the first rung of their career ladder.